in Santa Clara County


Santa Clara County is home to one of the most expensive rental markets in the country. Wages have not kept pace with sky high housing costs, putting tens of thousands of vulnerable individuals and families on the brink of homelessness. Guaranteed income – providing unconditional cash payments to support basic needs – offer tremendous potential in helping households bridge this financial gap

Recognizing the power of guaranteed income in helping families achieve and maintain housing and financial stability, attain self-sufficiency, and improve their long-term well-being, Santa Clara County is becoming a statewide leader in the movement to expand the reach of these programs and to embed their shared principles into existing safety net services.

Nine guaranteed income pilots are currently underway in Santa Clara County, spearheaded by local jurisdictions, nonprofits and philanthropic organizations, providing unconditional monthly payments to over 800 households. Targeting specific populations experiencing and most at risk of homelessness in our community, these funds are providing participants the flexibility to decide how best to meet their needs.

Extremely low-income families

The City of Mountain View’s Elevate MV pilot program is supporting extremely low-income residents, contributing to a national study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Center for Guaranteed Income Research.

Former foster youth

An initial cohort of former foster youth supported by the County of Santa Clara reported a decrease in experiences of homelessness, and increased full-time enrollment in school and employment. A second cohort is underway.

Justice-involved individuals

Justice-involved people are at greater risk of homelessness and recidivism, which is why the County of Santa Clara and Destination: Home are working to support their stability with guaranteed income.

Low-income elders

Sacred Heart Community Service and Destination: Home are partnering to support vulnerable seniors, studying the impact of guaranteed income on a population ineligible for most benefits and at an increasing risk of homelessness.

Unhoused high school seniors

The County of Santa Clara hopes to increase attainment of education and employment for high school students experiencing homelessness by providing guaranteed income.

Unhoused & Unstably Housed Families

The Silicon Valley Guaranteed Income Project is one of the few guaranteed income projects specifically focused on unhoused and marginalized families with UCSF’s Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative conducting a randomized control trial to evaluate impacts.

Young adults

The City of San Jose is managing two programs supporting 100 young adults in partnership with Bill Wilson Center and Unity Care, with the goal of providing college-engaged, LGBTQIA+, former foster care, and other vulnerable 18-24 year olds a path toward long-term self-sufficiency and stable housing.

Young parents

The County of Santa Clara is starting a Guaranteed Basic Income pilot for young parents who have interacted with the child welfare or justice systems. The goal is to help them get better child care and resources to improve their families’ lives and set their children up for success.

Income Recipients Partner Organizations Estimated Timeline
122 Former Foster Youth Sep. 2020 – Jul. 2025
150 Homeless and
Unstably Housed Families
Dec. 2022 – Jun. 2026
110 Extremely Low-Income
Mountain View Residents
Dec. 2022 – Dec. 2024
75 Unhoused High School Seniors Summer 2024
55 College-engaged Young Adults Summer 2024
51 LGBTQIA+ Young Adults Summer 2024
100 Justice Involved Individuals Fall 2024
100 Young Parents Winter 2024
50 Low-income Seniors 2025
All enrollment in these programs is through referrals from partner organizations and not via an open application.
Many of the programs listed above use a randomized control group model, where additional participants are receiving compensation for sharing their experiences and providing each program with data. While 813 people are receiving a monthly income, there are also 607 receiving compensation for participating in program activities for a total of 1420 individuals who are or are planned to be part of the Santa Clara County guaranteed income movement.


These pilots are contributing to a growing body of research demonstrating the efficacy of guaranteed income in fostering financial stability and improved wellbeing. Independent research experts are evaluating each program, with the intention to identify successful models to scale and replicate in support of several collective housing and economic security goals.

Increase impact through shared data

Data and findings gathered from these studies will be used to inform support for populations struggling with financial stability in Silicon Valley, ranging from unhoused students and former foster youth to elders and working families. By sharing data across pilots, we will be identifying best-practices and effective program models to improve our safety net systems.

Inform local, statewide and national policy decisions

These programs have the potential to repair the systems that are making it too hard for people to achieve and maintain financial security. Findings will inform policy by shifting local narratives, practices and policies around guaranteed income for populations most at risk of homelessness.

Several funders are supporting these guaranteed income programs including:

City of Mountain ViewCity of San JoseCounty of Santa ClaraDavid & Lucile Packard FoundationDestination: HomeGoogle.orgSi Se Puede CollectiveSilicon Valley Community FoundationSobrato PhilanthopiesState of California

To learn more about these programs or join the regional movement for guaranteed basic income, email the County of Santa Clara at